As of April 1, 2024, MVDF delivers the I/ABFP directly to Métis clients.
As of April 1, 2024, MVDF delivers the I/ABFP directly to Métis clients.
Waubetek Business Development Corporation (Waubetek) is an Aboriginal-owned and controlled organization that delivers business financing and economic development services to First Nations and Aboriginal entrepreneurs in northeastern Ontario.
Waubetek serves clients in Musoka, Nipissing, Parry Sound, Manitoulin, Sudbury and Greater Sudbury. They also provide services into the Algoma District for clients not served by NADF (as far north as Goulais River) and clients in Simcoe County that are members of Beausoleil, Chippewas of Georgina Island and/or Rama First Nations.
Nishnawbe Aski Development Fund (NADF) delivers programs and services to Aboriginal People and wholly-owned or majority-owned Aboriginal businesses located on or off-reserve in Northern Ontario, which NADF defines as the territories of Treaty 9, the Ontario portion of Treaty 5 (also known as Nishnawbe Aski Nation), Treaty 3 and Robinson-Superior 1850.
Orion Building
100 Little Lake Road, Suite 101
Fort William First Nation, ON
P7J 0L2
Tel: (807) 623-5397
Fax: (807) 622-8271
Toll-Free: (800) 465-6821
273 Third Avenue, Suite 203
Timmins, ON
P4N 1E2
Tel: (705) 268-3940
Fax: (705) 268-4034
Toll-Free: (800) 465-6821
Aboriginal Financial Institutions (AFIs) are independent, Indigenous-controlled, community-based financial organizations providing developmental lending, financing and support services to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit businesses in all provinces and territories.
Depending on your location and the type/stage of your business, there are resources available across Ontario to help. In addition to Indigenous Financial Institutions (IFIs), Small Business Enterprise Centres (SBECs) and/or Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) are available to help.
Racialized and Indigenous Supports for Entrepreneurs (RAISE) is a grant program (2023-24) providing access to business development training, culturally responsive and tailored business coaching, networking opportunities, and a one-time grant of $10K supporting Indigenous, Black and other racialized entrepreneurs.
Regional Innovation Centres (RICs) help Ontario’s entrepreneurs and innovators succeed in international markets by helping them work through the challenges of developing their ideas to make them marketable and attract talent, capital and customers.
Programming and services are offered to clients who are typically in early-stage or growing innovation and technology companies with the potential to expand and succeed on a global scale.
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